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This was my first big workshop that I went to on staff. In this workshop, I realized just how big journalism is across the country. I never realized how lucky I was to be on a staff like Echo until this workshop, because I never realized that yearbook was such a big thing. This opportunity also gave me the chance to learn how to interview better and make the most out of them. I would definitely say that this opportunity allowed me to become more confident in my journalism.

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2017: This workshop was where I was first introduced to Mike McLean. I took his photography class, and he introduced me to flash photography. This workshop was so inspiring to me and it gave me so much curiousity about photography. This is where I began to build my foundation of learning for flash photography, and I've been experimenting with it ever since.

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2018: This workshop was bittersweet because it would be my last workshop. I was three months out of knee surgery, in a brace, and determined to keep up with the rest of the group. I took Mike McLean's photo class again, and although I knew a lot of the information because I had already taken it, it was a good refresher. Also, one day we were shooting down an alley and this man in a wheelchair goes by. Someone in my class instantly recognized him. His name is Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham, and he is a 4 times wheelchair motor cross world champion. We asked if we could take his picture and he let us, and it was so coo to have the opportunity to take pictures for someone famous.

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In this workshop, I participated in a JEA write-off contest. I submitted the photos before I arrived in Dallas, and when I was there I learned that I recieved an honorable mention in the sports photography contest. This was a very proud moment for me and since then I have continued to build my strength in sports photography.


This year I recentley became interested in video production, and I have been learning about it. This semester I am dual enrolled at a local community college in an intro to video production class.

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