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For the past two years, I have been the photo quality editor for Grand Blanc Yearbook. Both years have had their equal share in learning experiences and opportunities to grow. Not only have I been able to improve my photography, but I have also been able to share my knowledge with the staff and help them grow too. Being an editor in yearbook comes with a lot of leadership, and it has helped me to learn how vital communication is. Also, I've learned that when you are in an editor position, people will look up to you and your work. I've learned to be a leader and I've learned to set a good example for the rest of the staff. This has been the most meaningful opportunity I've had throughout high school and I can honestly say it has prepared me for the rest of my life. 




A part of my role as photo quality editor is teaching the new staffers how to use a DSLR camera at the beginning of the school year. This sets the foundation for how well the staff will want to work to achieve great photos. I have always been shy, and giving presentations has never been easy. Teaching in both 2017 and 2018 has helped me step outseide of my comfort zone and gain confidence in public speaking. 

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I have made two sets of teaching power points, one for 2017 and 2018. Before this school year, when I was beginning to plan how I was going to teach this year, I realized that the photo packet that we had was very hard to read because it was a just a bunch of articles stapled together in random order. I decided instead of being bored for the rest of the summer that I would make a new photo packet for the staff.



This year I made a new and more efficient check out system for the staff. Every person has two check out IDs, one for camera bodies and one for camera lenses. They first reserve equipment in a binder, and then once they take that piece of equipment they put their checkout ID on the spot next to the equipment. This is a better way to visually see what equipment is available.

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